15 X 15 x 12 cm, tin can, glass board, stones, wood, bones, feathers, flies
The first level to approach the object is to look at the way it is made. In an extremly longlasting – and boring – process more than 200 0´s and I´s are painted on an industrial tin can. The resulting pattern reminds you off archaic embroiderings. A very old way to change an utensil into a preciocity by investing time and manual efford. The time and labour intensive way to create value is contrasting the binary code, that is basic for an extremly fast –and seemingly effordless – dissemination of information as value.
On a second level, the decoded content of the binary writing: S.T.O.N.E.S.W.O.O.D.B.O.N.E.S.F.E.A.T.H.E.R.S.F.L.I.E.S. connects this thoughts about the creation of signs, patterns and value with a little installation inside the can, where these materials are assembled in a finely balanced situation that cites the aesthetics of animistics shrines. The material claims its immanent value and the object as a whole becomes transcended.